
We empower people in their efforts to experience new insights, build, manage and develop businesses, strong teams, and organizations for the long term. We teach people to perceive and think systemically, make system-level interventions, decisions, and actions. In the process of training and consulting, clients develop ability to perceive phenomenologically – the skill without losing critical thinking and not being overwhelmed, opening to the system as a whole.

In our training programs, you can learn the method of systemic constellations and systemic work without constellating. Our training are designed for everyone seeking improvement of the quality of own life, making clear work, leadership, business decisions, as well as a method and way of thinking that complements the already existing professional activity. We work in close cooperation with the Bert Hellinger Institute of the Netherlands, which is one of the leading further developers of systemic work in the world.

The seminars we offer are an excellent way to get acquainted with the systemic work,  experience constellations “on your own skin” as part of the training, to understand your work and family situations from a systemic point of view, as well as to see possible solutions more clearly. We support organizations and leaders who want to develop and dare to initiate, lead, and integrate change at various levels and scales. We also work on organizational culture research and transformation projects, developing a systemic method for culture change.

People evolve. Organisations evolve. Societies evolve. Life reaches us through families, couples, organizations, teams, projects, collaborations.

Our clients are people of different ages and walks of life who are looking for impulses for their further development. Gaining a new systemic perspective on the issue at hand creates an impetus that promotes growth and development. This process affects professionally and personally.

Since autumn, new systemic trainers have joined the center. You will find the dates of the new training programs for the next 2024 season in the programs section. If you are interested in engaging our trainers and consultants to work with your team or organization, contact us by writing to info@constellatiinsriga.lv.

Normunds Apinis is the co-founder and current Director of the center. His academic education in social work and further therapeutic education, provides deep understanding of a person as an individual, interaction with/in society, business, and organizational environment, searching for laws of life. His business experience as crisis manager in several large enterprises as well as business owner’s experience for ten years, has immersed into the experience the movements of these systems “from the inside”. Personal crisises at individual, business and social levels made it possible to deeply understand Bert Hellinger’s method of systemic constellations.

Normunds has studied the Systemic Constellations of Families and Organizations at the Institute of Systemic Solutions in Moscow in 2004 – 2006 (Институт консултирования и системных разения, Москва), studied with Bert Hellinger (2008, 2009, 2010), studied existential crisis therapy at the Institute of Humanistic and Existential Psychotherapy in Lithuania, 2021-2022, and group existential therapy in 2016-2018 (and now). Normunds is a member of Easter-European Existential Therapy Association.  

Normunds is also a certified astrologer in Latvia.


Iveta Apine

Iveta Apine is founder of the center. Iveta’s path to the systemic approach and facilitation of systemic constellations began thirteen years ago participating in Bert Hellinger camp in Austria. The training continued at the Hellinger Institute in the Netherlands (Bert Hellinger Instituut Nederland), learning the systemic constellations in organizations, systemic coaching, family constellations and systemic approach trainers’ training, and systemic interventions with horses. She studied systemic phenomenological councelling and family constellations at Moscow Institute of Systemic Solutions and Counseling (Институт консультирования и системных решения, Москва),. Constantly updated knowledge with world-renowned leading systems-phenomenology specialists – Stefan Hausner, Jan Jakob Stam, Bibi Schreuder, Anton De Kroon, Guni Baxa, Christine Essen and others. Iveta Apine currently holds EUROTAS (Global Transpersonal network) certificate in transpersonal psychotherapy (16.09.2023), she is a member of EUROTAS.

Iveta is an affiliated coach of the B. Hellinger Institute Netherlands (BHIN) and belongs to the institute’s community of systemic pioneers. She has experience in teaching in Latvia and internationally, working in Latvian, English and Russian languages. Iveta’s previous work experience for many years has been related to management trainings and executive coaching. From August 2023, Iveta has started studies at Riga Technical University, Environmental Engineering doctoral program, with the aim of researching the level of systemic thinking in organizations using systemic modeling and system dynamics.



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